Haere mai e te whānau o Wēteri kura

Principal's message:

9 August 2024

Tēnā koutou katoa, Te Kura Tuatahi o Wēteri whānau,

Ko Table Mountain te maunga

Ko Zeekoevlei te awa

No Awherika ki te Tonga ahau

Kei Puketāpapa ahau e noho ana

Ko Andy Crowe toku ingoa

It's an absolute privilege to be Acting Tumuaki/ Principal of Te Kura Tuatahi o Wēteri. I'm incredibly proud of our tauira, kaiako and kura. We have been through a lot this year already, my hope is to continue to support the awesome teaching and learning that our kaiako design for our tauira.

Wesley Primary School is growing term by term - nearly 200 students, a milestone we haven't reached for some time. Our school values are what drives us to do better everyday. 

We share and show manaakitanga | care to all who come through our school gates. We embody kaitiakitanga | stewardship through tangible actions like looking after our local awa. We encourage students' whakamana | empowerment by designing learning that taps into their interests and passions.

If you are interested to learn more about our school or would like to learn more about your child's progress please swing by our office for a cuppa and a chat.

Ngā mihi nui,

Andy Crowe


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